Alleys Map is a video map that helps people explore the world via video.

We are mapping videos of every street and alleys over the world on the map.

Enter your e-mail address. We'll let you know when the beta(camera available) version is ready

01 | Capture

Capture your route where you travel, run, hike, ride or just walk with camera in Alleys Map.

02 | Map your route

Alleys Map provides traceable video(video+GPS). So, the video of your trail is ready to show on the map.

03 | Publish & Contribute

Add your route video to Alleys Map to help people discover new places and new experience.

Alleys Map Introduction from Alleys Wonderlab on Vimeo.

04 | Impact

Alleys Map want to contribute to culture and business like travel, uraban life, hiking, running, riding, and so on. People can share route video with ohters and use Alleys Map for their community and business.

05 | Tools

Capturing a route in video using by our mobile app will be available soon. And we are hard at work to support other devices to map a video on Alleys. We’ll let you know if we are ready.

Make a better world together

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